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Brittany Rosenbloom

Rosenbloom_BN 2013

Brittany Rosenbloom started the first year of her MA in Clinical Psychology in September 2014. She completed her BA Honours degree from the University of Guelph where she studied psychology and neuroscience. After her undergraduate training, she worked at the Hospital for Sick Children investigating pediatric pain and anxiety, and later moved to St. Michael’s Hospital to study outcomes from traumatic brain injury. These experiences led her to the MSc program at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto where she was supervised by Dr. Colin McCartney in the Department of Anesthesia. Her thesis project examined associations between anxiety and pain. Traumatic musculoskeletal injury often leads to chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Brittany’s thesis investigated factors, such as acute symptoms of anxiety, depression, neuropathic pain, and injury characteristics, involved in the development of pain and PTSD symptoms four months after injury. Brittany will continue researching the mechanisms involved in the transition from acute to chronic pain with a primary focus on children and adolescents undergoing major surgery.


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Updated on February 23rd, 2015.