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Noga Lutzky-Cohen

Noga completed her specialized honors B.A in Psychology in April 2012 at York University. During her final year she conducted her undergraduate thesis with Dr. Katz on the relationship between hypertension and hypoalgesia (reduced pain sensitivity) in patients with cardiovascular disease. She then worked as a research assistant in the Acute Pain Research Unit, Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, in Toronto General Hospital. Her research interests include the perception of pain and comorbid psychopathologies that might be associated with chronic pain. 
She obtained her M.A in Clinical Psychology from (OISE) at the University of Toronto in 2016. She is currently working at a rehabilitation clinic, providing assessment and therapy for clients recovering from motor vehicle accidents. Her clinical training has focused on chronic pain, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders. 


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Updated on May 8th, 2021.