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Vered Latman

VL pictureVered Valeria Latman holds a B.Sc. in Psychology from University of Toronto, and M.A & M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology from Columbia University. During her graduate studies, she completed an extensive internship at the Lehman College Counseling Center in New York, and a practicum at the Dean Hope Center at Columbia University, where she developed a strong interest in health psychology. While working with underserved populations and volunteering with survivors with PTSD, she became aware of the growing need for affordable and accessible treatments for chronic conditions. This led her to continue her education at York University in order to research potential solutions at the graduate level. Currently, her research interests focus on studying the effects of mobile and Internet based interventions in individuals with chronic pain and illness. To accomplish these goals, she uses her experience as a co-founder of two technological startups and knowledge of user ethnography, testing, and optimal user experience.


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Updated on April 19th, 2021.